Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone
A universal identity control plane for distributed systems
Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone
A universal identity control plane for distributed systems
New to SPIFFE and SPIRE? Learn the basics in 10 minutes.
What is SPIFFE?
SPIFFE, the Secure Production Identity Framework For Everyone, provides a secure identity, in the form of a specially crafted X.509 certificate, to every workload in a modern production environment. SPIFFE removes the need for application-level authentication and complex network-level ACL configuration. • Read more
What is SPIRE?
SPIRE, the SPIFFE Runtime Environment, is an extensible system that implements the principles embodied in the SPIFFE standards. SPIRE manages platform and workload attestation, provides an API for controlling attestation policies, and coordinates certificate issuance and rotation. • Read more
In this book, security experts and SPIFFE community members provide a deep understanding of the identity problem and how to solve it. • Read more
Who uses SPIFFE?
SPIFFE is currently used by a variety of projects that both issue and consume SPIFFE IDs.
SPIFFE and SPIRE are Cloud Native Computing Foundation incubation projects